Saturday, March 23, 2024

Another trip around the Sun


I survived another trip around the Sun! I competed in a fencing tournament on my birthday (this time against opponents in my own age bracket) and took home another third place medal. And I’m going kayaking in the Everglades tomorrow. So I’m trying to stay vigorous, despite that my age keeps ticking in only one direction, that being upward. Then again, it would be pretty weird if one’s age ticked downward (like Benjamin Button). Here are some pictures from adventures in South Florida from winter 2023-spring 2024. 
Photo #4 by Susan Studlar, fencing photos by Sophie D., all other photos by me, with only the first one being an NPS photo.

1 comment:

  1. Ross! Do you remember me from 10+ years ago at CAVE? I check your blog from time to time to see what adventures you're having. I took my kids to CAVE last week and was thrilled to see your art in the JR book they were working on. Looks like life is treating you well.
