Saturday, March 22, 2025

Dinosaur Stories with a terra green cover!

And we have a second printing of Dinosaur Stories!

This time, the cover is printed on terra green paper. It definitely looks cooler with this colorful cover to contrast with the black and white interior.

Dinosaur Stories contains three graphic narratives featuring dinosaurs and other Mesozoic wildlife, authored by me and originally published in the Mesozine #1-3 (2020-2024), a publication edited by Denis St. John. The book also contains pin-up illustrations of prehistoric reptiles and short essays about the science behind the dinosaur comics. Whether you’re a neophyte or a seasoned dinophile, you’ll find something to thrill to in these pages. For sale on my Etsy site:

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Alone against the mangroves


Although solo travel isn’t my favorite kind, it is worth doing on occasion because one is forced to pay attention to every detail—especially on a wilderness trip.  In the 22 hours between when I departed by kayak from the Hell’s Bay Trailhead on March 7th and when I returned, I saw no other humans.  The only other mammal was an otter who eyed me quizzically in between rounds of swimming and rolling around on shore.   On the Pearl Bay Chickee, with Orion and Canis Major overhead, I reflected that if a count were taken, the score would be six million human souls in the Greater Miami Metropolitan area and one plus the gods know what else on this wooden platform in the estuary, surrounded by mangroves and their nutritive souls.  Crickets sang all night, and I periodically heard flapping and splashing from birds landing on the water.  When I got up for the outhouse at 3:00 AM, Scorpius had replaced Orion.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Bigfoot still lurks deep in the woods of our collective unconscious (and conscious)


On New Year’s Day, I started this drawing of Bigfoot in my sketchbook.  The mysterious ape has made sporadic appearances in my artwork over the years, which now has the effect of making me nostalgic for the great woods of the Pacific Northwest.  For this Sasquatch design, I combined physical features of orangutans and gorillas, plus longer legs and humanoid feet.  Gigantopithecus is a primate related to orangutans that lived in China during the Early to Middle Pleistocene.  Cryptozoologists hypothesize that this ape still lives today as the elusive Sasquatch and Yeti.  I don’t know if Bigfoot is a real animal, but it’s certainly real as an enduring folklore character.  I recall how Alan Moore said, “The one place in which gods and demons inarguably exist is in the human mind, where they are real in all their grandeur and monstrosity.”

Stephen Bissette and I have plans to create a short comic featuring Bigfoot, his script, my artwork.  And it has got to happen because he prepaid me for some pages!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Best of my 2024 in pictures

My family sends out a traditional Christmas letter every year. Here are the pictures we selected to illustrate my part of the letter this year.  (I'm one of four family members featured in the letter, hence the captions in third person.)  Happy Holidays, everyone! And good luck in 2025… we’re going to need it!

Ranger Ross on the gator nest survey in the Everglades.

An adult Florida redbelly turtle does “turtle yoga” in the Sun.

Mangroves with their distinctive prop roots line the Black River at Collier Seminole State Park.

Ross wins gold at the fall “Swordfish Challenge.”


The armored Ankylosaurus makes a cameo appearance in Ross’s Dinosaur Stories.

Ross gets water from the pool after Hurricane Helene.

Photo Credits: 1. NPS / Mark Parry 2. NPS / Ross Wood Studlar 3.  © Ross Wood Studlar 4. © Michael Vasquez 5. © Ross Wood Studlar 6. © Susan Moyle Studlar

Friday, December 13, 2024

Make If I Must Die by Refaat Alareer a bestseller

LET'S MAKE A THUNDERCLAP by putting Refaat Alareer's posthumous book If I Must Die at the top of the New York Times bestseller list by Saturday, December 14th! Ka Burbank explains it best:

For it to count in the rankings, one must buy it from either or Amazon.



Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Hope on an ominous day

The wrecking crew returns to Washington, D.C., this January, more organized and prepared than they were before.

I recall Bob Marley’s words, “The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off.  Why should I?”  Keep fighting for a better world, my friends, no matter what happens.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hurricane Helene strikes, Country Creek unites

People frequently ask Bill McKibben where they should move to survive climate change.  He tells them to live anywhere that they have neighbors that they can count on.  

I said that my evil plan was to retreat from South Florida to my folks' house in Western North Carolina during the peak of hurricane season—and then Hurricane Helene walloped Western North Carolina!  Our neighborhood, which is populated mostly by senior citizens, was lucky.  The high winds knocked over many trees, which took out lots of power-lines, yet no injuries occurred, and only one house and zero vehicles received damage.  The waters of Country Creek rose to levels residents had never seen before, but the houses stayed dry up on the ridge.  Between washouts and fallen trees, our neighborhood woods trails (which were volunteer passion projects led by my mom), will be impassable until they get some professional attention.  Before the storm, I was in our woods tethering benches (handcrafted by some of our crafty neighbors) to prevent them from washing away.   I didn't get any photos or videos of the hurricane in action because when I awoke at 3:00 AM on Friday, September 27, to swirling winds and trees swaying like breakdancers, I rushed to fill containers with the last remaining trickle of water from the pipes; by 3:30, running water and electricity were out.  Three miles away, the French Broad River overflowed much more dramatically than our Country Creek.  


Post-hurricane, neighbors came together for a spontaneous work party to clear fallen trees from the roadway, using any hand or battery-powered tools we had.  My brother Carl (who was visiting from Boston) and I rushed to join, armed with sawzall, pruning shears, and baseball bat (which he likes to use to break dead limbs).  Throughout the hurricane aftermath, residents of our street have helped each other find drinking water, matches, non-perishable foods, and other essentials.  A  neighbor with a generator kindly offered my family and I the opportunity to charge our electronic devices, and he ran an electrical line to the home of another neighbor who sleeps with a CPAP machine.  On Monday morning, I had my first bucket bath since this situation began, and getting clean was a huge morale booster (despite my aversion to cold water).  Another morale booster was gathering around a laptop computer at night to watch a video (we had some saved on hard drives, jump drives, and DVDs); Surivorman was relevant to our situation.

My folks' three rain barrels proved to be worth more than their weight in gold, and I also got a lot of exercise hauling buckets of water from the neighborhood swimming pool.  (Up the road in Weaverville, large numbers of people filled water containers from Lake Louise.)  Our refrigerator was well-stocked, and we ate well by candle-light post-storm.  We regained the ability to text and call after a few days of near-total cell phone blackout in North Carolina.  On Sunday, we connected to the web for the first time since the hurricane by accessing a temporary cell tower near the Pack Library downtown (at a neighbor's suggestion).  By mid-week, after more trucks with bottled water and other supplies had gotten through and more retailers had reopened, post-hurricane life felt less like survival and more like camping (although camping is still a lot of work).  I returned to Florida two nights ago feeling that things are stable out by Country Creek.  Many communities of Western North Carolina had it many times worse than we did, and their road to recovery is long.

Nowhere is safe from extreme weather, and future events will be worse.  Get to know your neighbors if you want to survive.

Photographer Credits: #1: Susan Studlar.  #3-4, #7: Carlton Studlar. #9: Donley Studlar. #2, #5-6, #8: Ross Studlar.